How can I be sure I'm buying genuine RESCUE® products?

Always look for the unique Bach™ Original Flower Remedies signature, which only true Bach RESCUE® products carry. This ensures that your product has been prepared according to Bach’s original methods.

Each genuine RESCUE® product is marked with unique Bach signature. Look for this to ensure that your product has been prepared according to Bach’s original methods and with flowers from the original gardens of Dr Bach.

The essences are then transported to the Nelsons factory in Wimbledon where they are carefully packaged and distributed according to the highest quality standards.

The Bach signature on the bottle is your guarantee that you are buying genuine RESCUE products which is used and trusted by millions of people around the world.

How do I use RESCUE® products?

Each serving of a RESCUE product contains 4 drops...

Can I mix RESCUE REMEDY® and the Bach™ Original Flower Remedies?

You can add one or two Bach Original Flower Remedies to the core RESCUE REMEDY® formula and tailor it to your individual needs...

Are your flowers from the Bach Centre?

RESCUE® Remedy and Bach Original Flower Remedies are the only brands that use plants from the original gardens of Dr Edward Bach at Mount Vernon, Oxfordshire.